A Caring Place
to Learn and Grow
At GREAT BEGINNINGS we strive to create a fun and nurturing environment that contributes to the healthy growth and development of the whole child; socially, emotionally, physically, and cognitively. We provide a play based, child-centered program, where every child is respected for his or her unique personality and abilities. We believe the best way to prepare children for their future is to truly honor and value where they are in their present developmental phase. Children are invited to explore in an environment that engages and supports their natural wonder and curiosity. It is our goal to instill a love of learning that the children will carry with them throughout their lives.

Bumble Bees
The Bumble Bee Group is made up of our youngest students, the two and three year olds.

The Ladybug Group is comprised of mostly three to four year olds. Our Ladybugs have grown and matured since their days as Bumble Bees.

The children in the Butterfly Group are our four and five year olds and are all eligible to enter Kindergarten the following year.
“It is our goal to create an environment that captures the imagination of children and encourages them to explore, experiment and theorize about their world.”
We Believe . . .

Children need respect and understanding. Every child is a unique individual with their own temperaments and personality characteristics. All children must be allowed to grow at their own pace. Their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors should be honored during every stage of their development.
Children need to gain autonomy and a strong sense of self. It is the teacher’s job to help children learn about themselves and their place in the world around them, while encouraging them to feel good about themselves as individuals and confident learners.

Discipline should be used in a way that helps children develop an internal sense of control. Simply punishing a child for misbehavior doesn’t help them learn. Children need assistance in learning how to appropriately express their anger and frustration. Discipline must be handled in a sensitive and respectful way that utilizes natural consequences.
Children benefit when parents and teachers work together as partners in their child’s care and education. Creating a connection between home and school is very important. A mutually respectful relationship that emphasizes open communication between parents and caregivers is crucial.

Children have many different styles of learning. They need to be given the opportunity to learn ideas and concepts through multiple forms such as art, drama, music, nature, etc.
Play is an essential part of learning. Through play children’s cognitive skills are enhanced. They gain valuable experience in problem solving and develop important social skills.

The most important role of a teacher is to instill a love of learning in children. This is a characteristic that creates life long learners. Children are natural investigators. It is the teacher’s responsibility to guide and support children in discovering the world around them. Children do not need to be told what to think; instead they need to be encouraged to ask questions and be independent thinkers.